Video Idea
I had this dream the other night. In it I was standing in a field, wearing and old night dress, interacting with the earth. Snapshots of my feet exploring in the dirt, my hands. Crying. Breakdown. Complete and total emotional experience. I woke up covered in tears and sweat.
So...I obviously have this need to somewhat recreate this dream. It needs to be discovered through my art. I have these vintage nightgowns, beautiful, passed on to my from my Aunt. Maybe I can wear one of these in the video, or make my own version of one of these. So many ideas from this dream. Sculptures: dirt in a plexiglass box/ curing salt in a plexiglass box/ repurposing my "bone blanket" into a new sculpture...I also have this handmade paper, I might try to sew my own dress. I really want to have a go at doing another video. The first one I ever made was last semester, "Os in Motu"--my bone in motion video...
Definitely a learning experience, but it got me really excited about the capabilities of video in my art.
I have to work through this idea a little more..but I know for sure that I will take something away from this dream to incorporate into my art.
I want to put more body and soul into my work, I want it to represent who I am and what really matters to me, my passions and all of the things that make me feel alive. That's the kind of art I want to make. NO MORE BOXES! I refuse to put myself into a box this semester..and for once, I want to make art that tugs at your heartstrings.
Getting a little more comfortable with my camera, but need to do a couple of test videos before I try the BIG one.
Talked to my photo professor Mark, and he gave me the fabulous idea to shoot my glass slides on sawhorses, from above and below..what a great idea! I'm going to try this out and see what kind of results I can get. TBD.
I also have played around a little with these Hog fragile and delicate..I hope to incorporate them into a sculpture or at the very least get some gorgeous photos of them. I blew them up with air like balloons, and dried them out in my studio. It was stinky but worth it.